Chichester Cycle Challenge - Q Hair & Beauty

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Chichester Cycle Challenge

The Chichester Workplace Cycle Challenge was a free, fun competition that encouraged the team here at Q to remember the joys of riding a bike.

Chichester Cycle Challenge

The aim of the Challenge was to get as many of our colleagues as possible to ride a bike either for work or for recreation from Monday 7 to Sunday 27 June 2010. Our team managed 63 trips (304 miles), 9,409 calories burnt and 23 kg of CO2 saved ( that’s the same as a 90 mile car journey!!!) We feel pleased to have contributed towards this great scheme aimed to improve fitness and save the environment. Overall people in Chichester Cycled: 47,765 miles!! and saved 8,039Kg of CO2 (that’s the same as driving from Edinburgh to Moscow and back 6 times!!!!)

Throughout 2010 our team at Q have been focusing on health and wellbeing, promoting the benefits of healthier and active living. We are now enjoying a healthier lifestyle that in turn generates a fitter workforce and a happier workplace. The Challenge represented a great opportunity for everyone to enjoy a cycle ride either to work or for fun, either-way would be beneficial.

A computer was made available so we could register and log our rides. We have enjoyed cycling so much that we are planning a social bike ride and maybe a picnic next month.

Dawn says: “I do try and promote a healthy lifestyle among my staff. I think the Challenge was a great idea and I urged all my staff to sign up. It was great that a third of our participants were new to cycling, encouraged to ride by their colleagues. Personally I am hooked and I’ll definitely carry on cycling now that it has finished. Cycling is a great way to get fit and I will be cycling into work when I can. and cycling for fitness as much as possible. I have even put my gym membership on hold for three months because I intend cycling in the evenings. It’s just great exercising outdoors and you get to see the local area too.”


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