More than 20 businesses, both small and large, were honoured recently at the first West Sussex Education Business Partnership Awards held at Arundel Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Q Hair & Beauty won the ‘Inspire Award’ on the evening.
The event aimed to acknowledge the vital support local businesses freely give to help develop a successful future workforce for the area. Opening the event, Sally Crathern who manages the EBP, said “Through work experience, careers events and visits to schools, businesses help our young people understand the world of work in a way that schools just aren’t able to. They bring up-to-date knowledge of working practices and the huge variety of career paths that are available to the workforce of tomorrow”
We are pleased to be in a position to be able to inspire young people, and future professionals, and will continue to do what we do, with our education program every week
Dawn Lawrence from Q Hair & Beauty who won the “Inspire” Award said – “We are pleased to be in a position to be able to inspire young people, and future professionals, and will continue to do what we do, with our education program every week”.
The West Sussex Education Business Partnership is dedicated to developing links between education and business for the benefit of young people and the future economy, by raising standards of achievement and preparing young people for the world of work.
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